None are guilty of all, but all are guilty of some. When are we going to wake up!? When are we going to stop destroying ourselves and our planet!? Our species and our planet will be doomed to destruction by our own hand and future generations will inherit the terrible earth that we created. So much pain and suffering. So much poverty and starvation. So much disease and disparity. So much homelessness, helplessness, and hopelessness. So much crime and corruption. So much violence and war. So much death and destruction. So much fraud and greed. So much pride and prejudice. So much fear and anxiety. So many secrets and cover-ups. So many lies upon lies, upon more lies. So much hate. So little love. Wake up! Do something! Say something! If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
Stop creating the Monster! Stop feeding the Monster! Stop empowering the Monster! Stop endorsing the Monster! Stop sanctioning the Monster! Stop authorizing the Monster! Stop being the Monster! Stop ignoring the Monster! Or else it will destroy our Little Shop of Horrors we call Planet Earth.
What can we do? Start in the heart. SHARE freely with one another without expecting anything in return. CARE for and about one another and yourself and the planet. FORGIVE one another and yourself. ACCEPT one another and yourself. PROTECT one another and the planet. RESPECT one another and yourself and the planet. Above all… LOVE one another and yourself. Love is the greatest of them all.
Top of my list? Insatiable materialism, consumerism, and greed. Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Anything! Second is the absolute insanity of war. Is the price and the cost of war on all sides really worth it? And Holy War is the unholiest thing there is and the last thing I can imagine God wants.